Recommended Newsletters

Inside Higher Education.
Online source of higher education news, opinions and jobs. Several subscription options.

Tomorrow’s Professor.
Twice weekly Stanford listserv which focuses on active learning in college pedagogy, with an emphasis on technology. Easy to subscribe. Great articles in its archives.

Faculty Focus.
Free digital newsletter, reports, and white papers focusing on different aspects of teaching and learning.

The Teaching Professor.
Excellent monthly newsletter with great ideas for engaging students in college classrooms.

Teaching and Learning Together in Higher Education.
This Bryn Mawr based seasonal newsletter is a peer reviewed, interdisciplinary journal.

American Council on Education.

The National Education Association.
Provides an excellent series of short articles on some of the best practices at the college level.

The Teaching Commons at Georgetown University
explores practical issues in pedagogy at Georgetown.

The Teaching Commons at DePaul University
promotes and supports excellence in teaching.

The Two-Way of Civility
discusses how we can approach students and the classroom civilly.

Western Washington University.
Synthesizes many other texts to create a useful list of best practices:

students in active learning experiences

high, meaningful expectations

  • • Provide, receive, and use regular, timely, and specific feedback
  • • Become aware of values, beliefs, preconceptions; unlearn if necessary
  • • Recognize and stretch student styles and developmental levels
  • • Seek and present real-world applications
  • • Understand and value criteria and methods for student assessment
  • • Create opportunities for student-student interactions
  • • Promote student involvement through engaged time and quality effort

Active Learning at the Center for Teaching & Learning at the University of Minnesota.
An excellent overview of active learning, strategies you can use, and advice for implementation. The site includes uncaptioned videos, but the text is sufficient without the videos.

A new presentation tool called Prezi provides an intriguing alternative to

Teaching Tips 
from the University of Tennessee, Chattanooga.

Association of American Colleges and Universities.
A force and voice for education in the 21st century

University of Connecticut 
faculty development programs.

University, Ohio.

Website for developing faculty and professional learning communities.

Carnegie Mellon. Principles of Teaching and Learning

The Carnegie Foundation
for the Advancement of Teaching.

National Institute for Learning outcomes Assessment
